Training Courses
We can offer a range of training courses including:
One off or short courses, usually at your own venue e.g. staff meeting or Inset Day.
You may wish to consider several schools working together to spread the cost of training.
Staff Support
We can offer a mentoring service for new SENCOs, Teaching & Support staff on any aspect of SEN.
Help for your SENCO to support and better meet the needs of all pupils.
We can help the Senior Leadership Team to strengthen the SDP or review policies for SEN.
Pupil Focus Support
We can offer solution focussed discussions with other professionals, involving parents if desired.
We can support in developing effective behaviour management strategies to assist with inclusion in the classroom.
We offer a service to observe a specific pupil (with parental consent) and write a report on potential strategies that could further support the individual.
We can advise on differentiation including demonstration and modelling of equipment and resources to support learning.
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07900 673973